



This is a video of “CHII-NO-KATA” demonstrated in the 52nd Municipal Karate-Do Championship in Tokyo on Sunday the 28th of July, 2019.
The Kata on this video is one of the Genseiryu Basic Kata made for the purpose of learning a variety of foot techniques such as an upper-level side thrust kick with four finger spear hand other than the thumb, a 180-degree turn on one foot and revolved twist of the upper body with one thumb fist in Ryunen-stance, amongst many other things. “CHII-NO-KATA” is, indeed, technically demanding.

the performer : Takaya Kusakabe

posted by seidokai at 22:39| 空手道を学ぶ(玄制流基本型) | 更新情報をチェックする